Saturday, July 31, 2010

Insomnia disorders

You experience insomnia disorders? Once the average person slept for nine hours a night, now they get less than seven hours. Here is a side effect of sleep deprivation.

Physical Effects
Most people are aware of the obvious short-term effects from lack of sleep is fatigue, and lack of energy, but they are less aware of some of the more serious physical consequences from not sleeping. Sleep not only recharges and repairs our brains, also repairs our bodies. Here are some other problems that can arise from not sleeping enough:
  • The inability to process glucose properly. This can lead to high blood sugar level and other symptoms of diabetes type 2 This also causes glucose to be stored as fat, which can cause weight gain
  • Increased symptoms of aging
  • Less consistent heart beat.

Mental Effects
All day, no matter what you do, your brain works. These include time spent processing, and output information. Even if you do not think you get a lot done during the day, your brain doing much work. That is why it is important that he has time to rest and recharge. Here are some of the damaging effects of sleep deprivation.
  • Less control over speech, stuttering, speaking in a monotone, and choosing repeated words and cliches.
  • While the short-term memory can be improved, there is a decreased ability to access the memory of older and converts it to a short-term long-term memory. It is almost impossible to learn new skills.
  • Creativity decline, especially when it came to solving problems. Sleep-deprived people tend to be slower and less accurate to solve the problem.
  • Hallucinations and even temporary insanity can occur because of lack of sleep.
  • Decrease in assessing the ability and reaction time. Lack of sleep is comparable to alcohol when it comes to drunk driving abilities.
Emotional Effects
Although we tend to focus on physical and mental symptoms of sleep deprivation, there is also a significant emotional symptom. emotional difficulties can take a severe toll on our personal relationships and safety. Some emotional problems associated with sleep deprivation are:
  • Increased emotional stress and anxiety.
  • A more pessimistic attitude.
  • Extreme sadness and even depression.
  • Extreme anger. Sleep deprivation has actually been indicated to be one of the main causes of road rage. 

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