The skin looks like an orange, when a combination of fat, excess water and toxins are trapped beneath it.
It is not a problem for women, cellulite does not condone the age or weight.
But do not be discouraged, here are some tips for combating and preventing cellulite.
Watch your diet:
Avoid fatty foods, and adopt a diet of green vegetables per week.
It is also important to moderate their consumption of sugar, caffeine, carbonated drinks, liquor, salt and dairy products high in fat also have to be reduced.
Stay active:
Exercise is key, walking, biking, swimming, aerobics, or whatever it takes to make that cellulite starts to disappear.
Say goodbye to the cigar
Smoke less or quit smoking for good, since the carbon monoxide affects the blood circulation.
Your job is not an excuse:
Spend the day at the computer need not be an obstacle, sit on the edge of the chair to stimulate lymphatic flow from the glands and ducts of the crotch
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