People always associate with a bad picture when they hear the word "cholesterol". Cholesterol is often a matter of debate and considered the content that is not good for health. Many people try to avoid certain foods with high cholesterol reasons. Actually, the truth is much more complicated than that. High cholesterol can be dangerous, but the cholesterol itself is still needed in many important processes that take place in the body for example to protect the nerve cells in the brain to provide a structure for the membrane cells. Hence, the body also produces cholesterol, approximately 75% of cholesterol in the blood produced by the liver and cells in the body.
To find out is it cholesterol good or bad we need to understand them first. Cholesterol is a fatty component which is one of the very nutrients needed by the body in addition to other nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Fat in our body usually consists of the bad cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). The main proteins that make up the LDL are the Apo-B (apolipoprotein-B). While the main proteins that make up HDL is Apo-A (apolipoprotein). LDL can be attached to the blood vessels, while HDL can dissolve LDL in the body.
Cholesterol is needed by our bodies, especially to form the walls of the cells. Cholesterol is also the base material forming the steroid hormones, and even a study recently conducted by the Karolinska Institute; Swedish Medical University states that cholesterol is required for the formation of brain cells. This conclusion is based on experiments in mice showing the formation of dopamine-producing nerve during the brain growth depends on active specific receptors in the brain by the oxidation of cholesterol, called "oxysterol". Cholesterol we need, is normally produced by the body in the correct amount, but if over produced the excess will be buried within the walls of blood vessels and cause a condition called atherosclerosis which is hardening or constriction of blood vessels. This condition is the origin of heart disease and stroke. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg; so the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in their normal state.
From this explanation can be seen that there are dangers and benefits of cholesterol in the human body. The important thing to do is to keep the cholesterol in the blood remained normal. General cholesterol patient suffered by overweight people, but does not cover the possibility that thin people can also be attacked by high cholesterol, especially by eating modern foods low in fiber but high fat. Besides the food factor, high cholesterol can also be caused by hereditary factors.
Some tips that we can do to control cholesterol are:
1. Consumption of foods low in fat and cholesterol. For example by consuming milk without the fat and reduce the consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat, it is useful to reduce the consumption of fried foods.
2. Fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and expelled from the body.
3. Antioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or pumpkin. Eat garlic regularly can lower cholesterol levels.
4. Avoid alcohol and smoking because it will be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.
5. Exercise regularly according to age and ability, so that our body weight remained the ideal.
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