Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get Ripped With A Proper Diet

The fact of the matter is that you will not get ripped or lose weight with diet alone. It is possible to build muscle and lose weight with a proper exercise regiment and routine but why would you want to.

If you want to build serious muscle you need a balanced diet with your regiment. So the first thing you have to understand is water. Water is critical to build lean muscle and for your overall health benefits. I could go on and on about the benefits of water but if your still interested just type water in any search engine and read on.

So how much is enough? It is real simple math. Take your weight divide by 10 then take the product and times that by 8oz and that is exactly how much water you should be drinking.

Carbohydrates are also essential. They are your reserves and if you want to get big muscle you have to take them in, in large quantities. Now overall you need to be eating in larger quantities unless you are extremely overweight. And carbs are no different. So your daily requirement should be around 2-5g/lb. This might seem like a lot but it is essential for development and recovery.

Proteins are next and although essential is only one major aspect of building large muscle. Basically your proteins are made up of amino acids which are the same building blocks of your muscles. Therefore depending on the intensity of you exercise regiment you are going to have to take in 1-3g/lb. Taking over 3 grams per day is highly debated as to the effectiveness with building muscle but to say the least you will get dehydrated so you might want to bump up your water intake as well.

Lastly you have your fats. And there are the good fats and the bad fats. Here are the bad ones that should be highly regulated and avoided transfats & saturated fats. You will find these in your daily foods so completely avoiding them is not possible. The good fats are monounsaturated fats & polyunsaturated fats. These are commonly found in olive oil, fish, nuts, and plenty of other natural sources. Your good fats should consist of about 90%+ of your total fat intake at.5-1g/lb.

This too might seem like a lot and if you were not exercising it would be but this is direct energy to your muscles and you will boost your metabolism at the same time.

The key to your new diet is balance. Remember to eat more often with smaller portions. And every body is different you might need to modify your diet for a few months before you find the right balance but stay within the ranges above and you will be fine.

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