Sunday, March 20, 2011

Radiation Effect

We have the tendency to think of the biological outcomes of radiation in their effects on existing cells. For little levels of exposure to radiation, the biological outcomes are very small that they can not be noticed. The human body contains repair devices against damage stimulated by radiation and also By means of chemical carcinogens. 
As a result, biological outcomes of radiation into living cells can result in 3 outcomes: 

1) damaged or injured cells fix themselves so that there will no more damage left; 
2) cells expire, much similar to millions of cells in the body do each day, being substituted by means of normal biological procedures; or 
3) cells repair wrongly themselves which result in biophysical change.

The duration of time amid exposure to radiation and the growth of cancer is called the dormant period and may be for many years. Those tumors that can develop as the outcome of exposure to radiation are not distinguishable from cancers that happen naturally or as an outcome of the exposure to other forms of chemical carcinogens.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blonde Hair Protection

It's fair to say most blondes enjoy the sun. Majority of the blondes are usually rockin' a nice tan. However, with that nice suntan unfortunately comes the harsh treatment from the sun that will damage a blonde's hair. The natural sun and heat damages the hair. It does this by extracting all the moisture that our hair needs to stay healthy and shiny.

The pigment that makes the hair blonde is more susceptible to damage from the sun than other natural hair colors. It really doesn't matter what texture or shade of blonde you are, without protecting your hair, there's no escaping the damage that the harsh sun-rays can do to your beautiful blonde hair. It is also very common for frizz to occur when the sun-rays are hitting your blonde hair. Not to worry, there are precautions we could take to help prevent any damage from the sun to our blonde tresses.

Most of the leading product manufacturers on the market today are producing an anti-frizzing serum you could apply before you blow-dry your hair. These serums will help to control frizz before and after you blow-dry your hair.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lowering Cholesterol by Oats

Oats .. Lowers cholesterol and contradictory to the stress and brings Alnumalhovan herbal plant around me like wheat and barley in the form which usually grows between them and the seeds of love among the middle wheat, barley, commonly known as Balzoan public and usually says the weeds and Alzewan. 
Oats did not want to name in dictionaries, nor in ancient Arabic vocabulary in the past has been known by various names, such as a powder magazine; ammunition and a Persian word and Khafor Crdoman and the type that is grown or farm called Krtan Krtan ID. 
The word Chauvin new fired in the last century on this plant. Knows oats scientifically as Avena Sativa of the platoon grassy GRAMINEAE. The original home of the oats is northern Europe and is grown now in all parts of the world and cultivated food crop and medicinal and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Benefits Vitamin D

A fantastic master hormone is at work in your body now. Modern science was unaware of the multiple functions for so long that was name a vitamin, because just a little prevents rickets.

It was believed until just a few years ago, that Vitamin D only affected bone health. It is now known that there are Vitamin D receptors on almost every cell in the body.

Benefits of Vitamin D:

1. Lowers Blood Pressure
2. Reduces risk of heart attack
3. Strengthens the immune system
4. Reduces the risk for autoimmune diseases such as: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes
5. Increases the body's ability to ward off infections
6. Reduced cancer risk