Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lowering Cholesterol by Oats

Oats .. Lowers cholesterol and contradictory to the stress and brings Alnumalhovan herbal plant around me like wheat and barley in the form which usually grows between them and the seeds of love among the middle wheat, barley, commonly known as Balzoan public and usually says the weeds and Alzewan. 
Oats did not want to name in dictionaries, nor in ancient Arabic vocabulary in the past has been known by various names, such as a powder magazine; ammunition and a Persian word and Khafor Crdoman and the type that is grown or farm called Krtan Krtan ID. 
The word Chauvin new fired in the last century on this plant. Knows oats scientifically as Avena Sativa of the platoon grassy GRAMINEAE. The original home of the oats is northern Europe and is grown now in all parts of the world and cultivated food crop and medicinal and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer. 

Part of the plant used oats: seeds (seeds) and stems dry (Straw). 
Chemical content of Oats: Contains oats alkaloids (ALKaloids) and Sterolz (Sterols) and flavonoids (Flavonoids) and acid Sulaisek (Silicic acid) and starch (starch) and protein (Proteins), which includes gluten (Gluten) and vitamins, particularly group B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus , iron, sodium hydrate and carbon also contains fat and close to the hormone Ajeribin (ovarian hormone) and beta carotene as well as vitamin b b (PP) and vitamin D.
The chemical content varies between types of oats, regular and Turkish red and short and the Prophet, but the basic and fundamental materials are found in all species. 

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