Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart food

Nutrtion tips include:eat atleast 5 portions of fresh fruit a day and atkeast 1 portion of dresh vegetable salad dressed with seed oil.

eat a minimum of 2-3 portion of legume per week and reduce intake of salt,sugar,tobacco and coffee.

eat whole grain bread and pasta and perform rhysical exercise atleast for 40 minutes 3 times a week.

some of the foods  that have a positive effects include red wine-drinking atleast 100-200ml of red wine a day reduces chnces of heart attacks.however, if this amount is exceeded the mortality rate due to cardiovascular attacks increases.red wine has phenolic flavinoids which inhibits oxidation if lipo protein thus lowering cholestral deposition. 
cherimoya_strengthens the deart  muscles brocoli-has an optimal sodium and potassium balance which promote elimanation of excess water in the body.has low caloric content.
walnut_provide energy for the heartand essential fatty acid and vitamin B6, calcium zinc and manganese. fatty acid inhibits build up of cholestral macadamia nuts_its fat lowers cholestral levels and improves blood circulation through colonary arteries.
Banana it is rich in potassium and does not have sodium thus preventing hypertension. arrhythmia, stroke and also cancer.it is also the richest source of vitamin B roup especially B6. these vitamins are necessary for energy metabolismwithin the heart muscle

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lost weight quick with yoga

Yoga is an effective way to gain and uphold a healthy body. This antique Indian meditation art is a huge way to get rid of additional flab from the body. From ages, this art has been a popular method of fat decrease and weight manage. In fact several asana of yoga are specially meant for weight reduction only. Yoga is also a preferred technique for weight reduction as it is sans any kind of side effect. Yoga straight influences the metabolism of body by acting upon several hormonal secretions in the body. Apart from weight reduction, yoga also helps in achieving a better muscle tone and vitality.

Yoga: The Perfect Way of Weight Reduction
Yoga is said to be the best method of weight reduction because it has no side effects on your body. It won't create you anorexicor ultra slim. It is simply destined to proportionate your body weight in accordance to your height and lifestyle. The mechanism of Yoga in your body is simple yet extremely effective. It acts on the metabolism of your body as well as on your fat cells. The deep breathing in Yoga increases the oxygen intake to the cells of your body, including the fat cells which burn in contact of oxygen. Apart from this yoga makes one overcome from anxiety which is the major reason for overeating. Some of the Yoga asana also helps in weight control through stimulating lethargic thyroid glands for increasing their hormonal secretions, thus reducing weight.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Broccoli Nutrition

 Vitamin C in broccoli aids iron absorption in the body, prevents development of cataracts and eases symptoms of the common cold.

    Folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth. It is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancy.
    Broccoli has potassium that aids those battling high blood pressure. It contains large amounts of calcium, which helps strengthen bones and combats osteoporosis.
    It is especially good for children and women. This fibre-rich vegetable helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
    Those looking to prevent hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer, can benefit from broccoli. Broccoli is recommended for diabetes patients .
    This vegetable helps in reducing stomach disorders. It also cures acidity to a large extent.
   The amino acid in broccoli make it an effective detoxifier, helping the body in ridding itself of toxins.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Prevent osteoarthritis with fish

Taking glucosamine(glucose based supplement )with oil from fish(Omega 3)can tremendously reduce joint pain- osteoarthritis a type of inflammation in bone joints caused by breakdown and eventually loss of cartilage of one or more joints.

researchers have discovered that people taking Glucomega reported a greater pain reduction than when they took glucosamine sulphate alone which is able to reduce the pain by only 20 %.but when omega 3 is combined glucosamine its reduced the pain by 80% or more..this shows that a combination of polyunsaturated omega 3 and glucosamine sulphate is more effective in leading to a greater reduction if joint pain associated with osteoarthritis than supplementing with glucosamine sulphate alone.
glucosamine occurs naturally in the body but as people age it becomes harder for them to produce more reserves.glucosamine has been seen to play a major role in joint health as it's an integral constituent of the bone cartilage and ligament and it play a role in smooth working and rebuilding of connective tissues.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Knowing Xylitol

Xylitol is an organic compound with the formula (CHOH) 3 (CH2OH

is a sugar alcohol used as a natural sweetener sugar substitute have many advantages but is it safe for our consumption more I discuss here.
1. Sweeteners are safe for people with diabetes.
Xylitol (ksylitoli Finland) was first derived from birch trees in Finland in the 20th century and was first popularized in Europe as a safe sweetener for diabetics that does not affect insulin levels.
2. Good for calorie diet.
One teaspoon (5 gm) of xylitol contains 9.6 calories, compared with one teaspoon of sugar, which has 15 calories.
3. Good for teeth
Xylitol is a "tooth friendly" non-fermentable sugar alcohols., Xylitol has shown health benefits in the prevention of dental caries, showed superior performance other polyols (poly-alcohol). Early studies from Finland in 1970 found that a sucrose gum group had 2.92 decayed, missing, or filled (DMF) teeth compared with 1.04 in the group chewing xylitol gum. [12] In another study, researchers had mothers give xylitol gum for their children 3 months after birth until they are 2 years old. The researchers found that children in the xylitol group had "70% reduction in the cavity (DMF) ..
4. Preventing and treating osteoporosis.
A group of Finnish researchers have found that dietary xylitol prevents weakening of bones in laboratory rats, and actually improve bone density, ear and upper respiratory track infection.
5. Benefits for pregnant or lactating women.
Xylitol is not only safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but studies show that regular use significantly reduces the possibility of transmitting the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which is responsible for tooth decay, from mother to child during the first two years of life as much as 80%.
Of all the good there are also shortcomings that could not hurt us to our cautious view.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Important breakfast for diet

Many studies show that people who eat breakfast do better to keep the diet, have lower weight and suffer fewer diseases than others who do not eat breakfast. Breakfast especially important for children because it helps them to be concentrated as they learn.
Breakfast actually gives us the first energy of the day and it''s important to know what to eat - quick snacks that contain a lot of sugar though calm the hunger and give a feeling of energy, but this feeling will go down quickly and the body will remain with excess calories and excess sugar .It is better to eat nutritious breakfast rich in fibers , calcium, fruits and vegetables.
And if the person claims he''s not hungry in the morning? Attempt to accustom the body to a small portion of fruit or yogurt will teach the person to feel the hungera nad the  person will gradually be hungry in the morning and be able to eat nutritious meal
And if there is no time for breakfast? Breakfast can be prepared the day before, you can get a few minutes earlier or take the food off - it''s very important important not to skip breakfast on the pretext of lack of time because it''s the most important meal a day. It is very important to vary what you eat in the morning so as not to get tired of eating every day the same thing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Save Children From Air Pollution

Research conducted by a team from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health demonstrate this. In the research of experts who examine 249 children during pregnancy the mother lived in New York City. In the last month-month pregnancy, the expectant mother is put on the quality of the air bag monitor. The majority of respondents are living in poor rural areas, in northern Manhattan and the South Bronx. They were exposed to various air pollution, such as exhaust from vehicles and equipment out of gas.

Once children are aged 5 years and start school, they are asked to test IQ (intelligence Quotient). In fact, children who are pregnant when her mother's most exposed to pollution have a value of 4-5 IQ points lower than children who are exposed to less pollution.

Dr.Michael Msaal, child specialist doctors from the University of Chicago, which is not involved in the research even though the effect, not mean that children are exposed to pollution will not be able to read or write.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Prevent Cellulite

The skin looks like an orange, when a combination of fat, excess water and toxins are trapped beneath it.

It is not a problem for women, cellulite does not condone the age or weight.

But do not be discouraged, here are some tips for combating and preventing cellulite.

Watch your diet:

Avoid fatty foods, and adopt a diet of green vegetables per week.
It is also important to moderate their consumption of sugar, caffeine, carbonated drinks, liquor, salt and dairy products high in fat also have to be reduced.

Stay active:

Exercise is key, walking, biking, swimming, aerobics, or whatever it takes to make that cellulite starts to disappear.

Say goodbye to the cigar

Smoke less or quit smoking for good, since the carbon monoxide affects the blood circulation.

Your job is not an excuse:

Spend the day at the computer need not be an obstacle, sit on the edge of the chair to stimulate lymphatic flow from the glands and ducts of the crotch

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Healthy With Aloe Vera

Dispensaries plant life became one of the alternative treatment that are still underused by the public when its potential for health as one of alternative medicine is very big. This is probably caused by a lifestyle most people who are still to be almost instantaneous.

One chemist living plants that can be used as a medicinal plant as well as ornamental plants are aloe vera or the Latin term is called Aloe vera.With a very easy treatment it is possible to maintain this plant in your home. 

Aloe Vera with its content which is very useful in addition to health benefits can also be used for beauty treatments, especially the skin and hair. 
Part of meat (content) is useful for the treatment of burns or scalded. Cold sensation is felt from this plant will help the wound healing process. In addition, it is also useful to treat heat in and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body.
The cooking methods into medicine is very easy, simply by taking the meat aloe vera and then boiled and water to drink or can be blended into Aloe vera juice. You can add sugar according to taste. Easy right? Good luck. . .!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nutrition inside honey

Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With respect to carbohydrate honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), making it similar to the synthetically produced inverted sugar syrup which is approximately 47% fructose, 47% glucose and 5% sucrose. Honey's remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates. Honey contains trace amounts of several Vitamins and minerals. As with all nutritive sweeteners, honey is mostly sugars and is not a significant source of vitamins or minerals. Honey also contains tiny amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin. The specific composition of any batch of honey will depend largely on the mix of flowers available to the bees that produced the honey. Honey has a density of about 1.36 kg/liter (40% denser than water). Typical honey analysis Fructose: 38% Glucose: 31% Sucrose: 1% Water: 17% Other sugars: 9% (maltose, melezitose) Ash: 0.17% Other: 3.38% The analysis of the sugar content of honey is used for detecting adulteration

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Angina Treatment and Prevention

The ANGINA is characterized as a very strong pressure or pain in the chest, resulting from the decrease in blood support, generating low of nutrients and oxygen circulating. It is usually felt during exercise, emotional stress, full stomach and exposure to low temperatures and regresses after the rest. This pain is precisely because the heart is receiving less blood you should!

The treatments for angina include changes in lifestyle, medications, special procedures and cardiac rehabilitation. The main goals of treatment are to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms and prevent or reduce the risk of heart attack and death. Special treatments may be the bypass grafts or angioplasty, and defendants are when you do not have success in the pharmacological treatment.

Tips to Prevent Angina:

* Physical Activities;

* Balanced Food, rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber ..

* Reducing the weight in cases of overweight;

* Relax!

* Control blood pressure;

* Avoid smoking and alcohol ....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cholesterol in Normal Condition

Cholesterol is a need for patient,like a chemic compoent,without a which we do not have survive.
In his taking part is builds new cells,forming hormones,accumulating energy,but its a good cholesterol and having a limit norm. And in rising to 200-250 mg like from a kind elper he forming in harmful,like after that cholesterol is having a good and bad. A first is cleans artheries,and second fill in walls vessels a aterosclerosis.
A good we receive with a good products,like nuts,bean,corn not-saturated faty acids,vegetable oil, bird, and a bad enters with animal food,like butter oil,meat,egg yolks,milk. Every day our organism is forms 1 gr cholesterol,and a big 800 mg synthesing in liver,200 mg is manufacturing other organism cells and still 500 enters with food.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Drink water much, good for health

Many of us drink water, but not the mineral water that doctor ask us to, but another water (most of it soda), and why doctors advise us to drink water, why do we have to drink water at least 8 glasses a day?
This is the scientific explanation, and this is a fact!
Approximately 80% of the human body consists of water. In fact, there are some parts of our bodies that have water levels above 80%. The two most important organs with water content above 80% are: Brain and Blood.

The brain has a component of water by 90%, while the water component of blood has 95%. Ration drinking is a normal human being at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. The number of the above must be added if you are a smoker.
That much water is needed to replace the fluid that comes out of our body through urine, sweat, respiration, and secretion. So what happens if we consume less than 2 liters a day? Of course the body will balance itself. How? By the way "suck" water from the body's own components. From the brain? Not until that much! But from the nearest source: blood.

Blood is sucked water will be thick. As a result of this blood coagulation, the trip will be less smooth than the dilute. As it passed the kidney (which remove toxins from the blood) kidneys will work extra hard to filter blood. And because the kidneys filter the fine, not infrequently a thick blood can cause kidney glomerulus perobekan on. As a result, your urine reddish, signs began leaking kidneys filter. If allowed to continue, you may someday have to spend a lot of money to wash the blood.

As thick blood flowing through the brain, somewhat hampered travel. The brain is no longer "thin", and because brain cells are the most wasteful consumption of food and oxygen, the slow blood flow can cause brain cells to die quickly or are not functioning properly.

If this disease coupled with "heart" (which also works if the added weight of the blood thickens), then the stroke could be more soon to come. Now living you choose: to "investment" by drinking at least 8 glasses a day, or "pay interest" through the kidneypain or stroke. You choose!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Health Food for your Heart

The nutrition tips include:eat atleast 5 portions of fresh fruit a day and atkeast 1 portion of dresh vegetable salad dressed with seed oil.

eat a minimum of 2-3 portion of legume per week and reduce intake of salt,sugar,tobacco and coffee.
eat whole grain bread and pasta and perform rhysical exercise atleast for 40 minutes 3 times a week.
some of the foods  that have a positive effects include red wine-drinking atleast 100-200ml of red wine a day reduces chnces of heart attacks.however, if this amount is exceeded the mortality rate due to cardiovascular attacks increases.red wine has phenolic flavinoids which inhibits oxidation if lipo protein thus lowering cholestral deposition. cherimoya_strengthens the deart  muscles brocoli-has an optimal sodium and potassium balance which promote elimanation of excess water in the body.has low caloric content.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Body Language

IntoductionBody language can be defined as a form of communication using body movements or gestures, instead of, or as a complement to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. This term is usually applied to body language that is thought to be involuntary, but however, a clear distinction between voluntary and involuntary body language cannot be made. 
For example, a smile or a wave may be either voluntarily or involuntarily. Voluntary body language: refers to movement, gestures and poses intentionally made by the person, with a full or partial intention of making them and a realization of what they communicate. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Alzheimer disease (AD) is an incurable degenerative disease of the brain first described in 1906 by the German neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer. It is the most common cause of dementia in adults and is estimated to affect more than 2 million men and women over the age of 65 in the United States. AD is a progressive illness, with memory loss usually the initial and major symptom. Other symptoms include impairments in language, abstract reasoning, and the ability to find one's way. Personality changes ranging from apathy to restless agitation are common, and depression, delusions, and hallucinations may also occur. The cognitive parts of the brain are especially affected, while regions that detect sensations and control muscular movement are usually spared. The symptoms worsen gradually every year, and in the later stages the patient is usually unable to live independently. Although it is difficult to predict the course of decline in a given individual, death usually occurs ten years or more after onset. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This article is a complete overview of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral nerves make up the peripheral nervous system. They branch out of the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Their nerve cells have three main parts: cell body, axons, and dendrites. Most often when a patient is diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, the damage is to the axons. Axons transmit signals betweennerve cells. Most are surrounded by myelin, a substance which helps the signal transmission. Poor nutrition, some diseases, and pressure or trauma may be the cause of peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include muscle weakness, cramps, spasms, loss of balance and coordination, burning or freezing sensations, sensitivity to touch, and the sensation of wearing a glove or sock. This article covers the types of neuropathy, signs and symptoms, prevalence, risk factors, among other information.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sitting can be bad for health

The latest research from health experts,  can even be deadly.

This case indiscriminate whether you sit in the office, school, in the car, or in front of the television and computer even for those who diligently exercise.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom, Bath, from the School of Sport and Health Sciences recommends Swedish authorities to rethink the definition of 'physical activity'.

When we sat down for 4 hours the body will send a bad signal-related genes that regulate glucose and fat in the body to stop working.

WHO said the exercise would not be spared if he does not routinely do this.

What then where do I reduce the effect?

My routine is exercising her answers, get used to not stay sitting with occasional walking is the recommended.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Better Medicine Than Drugs

Anybody from hapless patients screened for major disorders, stuck in hospital rooms, to celebrity athletes promised tender loving care at five-star medical facilities by insurance companies can experiment with this book. Scoops of Dixon’s pro-food crusade and wholesome fruit from Holford and Burne’s explanation around the psychological constructs developed for ‘health restoration and maintenance’ by the medical world - you get dessert that tastes, “A gratified foodie outlives a pill-maniac.” 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shock therapy

Shock therapy is the use of drugs or electricity to treat severe mental disorders by inducing coma or convulsions. Insulin therapy uses injections of increasing levels of insulin, deoxygenating the blood and producing a deep coma with diffuse motor, sensory, and autonomic effects. The therapeutic effect seems to be greatest with schizophrenias (see schizophrenia) of less than two years' duration and of good prognosis. Metrazol has also been used to produce convulsions. Complications include difficulties in controlling the reaction and intense fear experienced by the patient prior to losing consciousness.