Saturday, September 4, 2010

Drink, Brain damage

Many a research studies have confirmed the positive effect of controlled alcohol drinking; the same act could be disastrous if the control is lost. Consuming too much alcohol in a short span of time is not beneficial for health either in the short run or long run.

Earlier studies indicated the bad effect on brain function due to high levels of alcohol drinking, and now the scientists say the bad effect could be irreversible. Excess alcohol acts like poison affecting the brain function, according to the previous studies. A team of scientists from various countries have revealed the permanent damage caused to the brain because of excess alcohol consumption. From this study it is known that too much alcohol damages grey matter better known as hippocampus that function as storage and recalling past events. Therefore the affected persons become forgetful and absent minded eventually.   

The research experiment was conducted on macaque monkeys, who were made to drink alcohol everyday for one hour. The monkeys were not stopped from drinking till they were drunk in real sense. Then it was found that those monkeys produced less new cells and suffered from neural degeneration, which was not the same for the controlled monkeys, reported the Daily Express. 
United Kingdom has the third highest number of teen agers aged 15 and 16 with alcohol problem out 35 countries surveyed. Girls outnumbered the boys in alcohol related setbacks.
The chief executive of Alcohol Concern is of the opinion to mention the danger to the consumers by the alcohol industries before the consumers buy drinks. 

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